1990 - First generation vehicle for utility deployable applications, Research and Development for half track accessory standardization begins.
1990 - Three new patents filed
1990 - 2000 - Continued R & D and market analysis see’s 4orce technology deployable to hundreds of markets in different assemblies.
2000 - Advanced Research & Development, test and evaluation
2000 - Product line expansion - Military and Fire
2004 - 4orce Mobility launches third generation vehicle
2007 - Continued Research and Development on new UTV chassis
2008 - 4orce Mobility launches 4our Paw product line
2010 - Awarded OMEP grant to introduce lean manufacturing and quality principals
2010 - Awarded first turn-key UTV military contract
2010 - Completion of standardization of kits utilizing pure platform engineering
2011 - 4orce Mobility develops five new product lines under platform design principals increasing its install base opportunity by over 20 X, and is poised for a fast future offering performance no track system in the world can match.